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Academic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences

Online ISSN: 2415-2188
Print ISSN: 2415-5225

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 5 Number 10 October 2019

On Two Covariates Cosine and Sine Noisy-Wave Trigonometry Regression of Heartbeats

Authors: Olanrewaju Rasaki Olawale
Pages: 140-149
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.510.140.149
This paper proposes and describes the acumen on alternate two covariates linear Cosine and Sine regression functions that possessed a noisy-wave or tone frequencies via wave-trend of actualized observations of regressors and responsive variable needed in fitting a wavy equation of trigonometry regression. The method of maximum likelihood was used in estimating parameters associated to the Cosine and Sine alternate functions via vector coefficients as well as their distributional and residual properties. The estimations obtained via the method were enthralled to the noisy-wave mesokurtic observations of babies’ rate of heartbeats exactly an hour after birth (HR1), two hours after birth (HR2) and three hours after birth (HR3). The implementation and illustrative application was via R using the heartbeat dataset. It was gleaned that the trigonometry equation line .......

Semi-Magic Permutation: A Composition Study on the Structure ωi

Authors: Suleiman I. ; Ejima O.
Pages: 136-139
DOI: doi.org/10.32861/ajams.510.136.139
In this paper we propose a definition for a semi-magic permutation and study the composition function behavior between the magic, semi-magic and non-magic permutation using the structure ωi defined as:

Where p is a prime greater than or less than five. We equally observed that no permutations λi∈D4for i=1,…6. is magic or semi-magic.